After many years of being a divemaster and only using that in vacations and with friends I decided to become a Padi dive instructor.

Off course I went for the best and I found them at Ban’s dive resort at Sairee beach.
Like the Padi Divemaster course, the IDC (instructor development course) is very intensive, but also a lot of fun to do. I have learned more in this course than in many years at school.
After the e-learnig and 2 weeks intensive training I was ready for the IE (instructor exams), what takes 2 days of theoretical and practical exams.
After the exams it wasn’t over yet. I also signed up for the MSDT (master scuba diver trainer) course. That’s another 2 intensive days of studying and training and after that I must sign of for 25 students before I will get that certificate complete.
My course directors were very experienced people, who did way more than necessary to help me succeed.

The scedual for this intesive course looks like this:
Day 1-6: AI (Assistent Instructor) training.
Most time in the classroom, but also some afternoons in the pool
Day 7: Day off, or better said: A day of self-training.
Day 8: EFRI (Emergency First Responder Instructor) training.
This is a day in the classroom and outside.
Day 9-11: OWSI (Open Water Scuba Instructor) training.
This is a bit of classroom and most of the time in open water.
Day 12: Mock IE
This day is used to make some exams. You have to score at least 75% on those exams before you can go for the real IE (Instructor exams).
Day 13: Again a day off, to prepare yourself for the real exams.
Day 15 and 16: The real instructor exams
Now you have to show you understand and remember what you have learned from your e-learning, your course directors and your own study. In theory and practical.
As a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor I’m now able to teach
- PADI Scuba Diver/Open Water Diver
- PADI Adventure Diver/Advanced Open Water Diver
- PADI Rescue Diver
- PADI Divemaster
- PADI Junior Divemaster
- PADI Advanced Snorkeler (Skin Diver)
- PADI Discover Scuba Diving
- PADI Seal Team and Bubblemaker
- PADI ReActivate and Discover Local Diving
- PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy
- PADI AWARE Specialty
- AWARE Coral Reef Conservation

The Padi MSDT training.
To achieve the rating of PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) you must be able to teach 5 Instructor Specialties and have certified 25 students at any level of the PADI system of diver education.
This short course also is very intensive.
My 2 days of training started in the classroom in the morning, followed bij training in open water in the afternoon.
The specialties I did were:
- Deep Diving Specialty Instructor
- Enriched Air Specialty Instructor
- O2 provider Specialty instructor
- Wreck Diver Specialty instructor
- Night Dive Specialty Instructor